Harmful algae in the Strait of Georgia, 2015-2023
Pacific Salmon Foundation (PSF) dataset on marine microalgae (20-200 µm) that are known or suspected to have a negative effect on aquaculture (finfish, shellfish) based on... -
Main Endeavour Field Biological Observations, Hercules Remotely Operated Vehi...
Video-based occurrence data of species in Main Endeavour Field of the Northeast Pacific were collected by Ocean Networks Canada Society during the NEPTUNE 2021-08 Nautilus... -
Northeastern Pacific Canadian Ocean Ecosystem Model (NEP36-CanOE) Climate Pro...
This dataset consists of three simulations from the Northeastern Pacific Canadian Ocean Ecosystem Model (NEP36-CanOE) which is a configuration of the Nucleus for European... -
Salish Sea NEMO Model Grid, 3D Mesh Mask, v17-02
NEMO grid variable value for the Salish Sea NEMO model Arakawa-C grid. The values are those calculated by NEMO from the input coordinates and bathymetry files. The variable... -
Time series of moored current meter measurements archived in the Institute of...
This dataset contains time series measurements collected by Fisheries and Oceans Canada's (DFO) Institute of Ocean Sciences (IOS) using moored current meters. Current meters... -
Time series of seawater properties measured by Conductivity-Temperature-Depth...
This dataset contains time series mooring data collected in British Columbia, Canada using mooring mounted CTDs. The moorings were deployed by Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO)... -
Vertical profiles of seawater properties measured by Conductivity-Temperature...
This dataset contains Conductivity, Temperature and Depth (CTD) measurements collected in the Central Strait of Georgia, British Columbia, Canada using rosette mounted CTDs. The... -
Salish Sea NEMO Model (Green) Hourly 3D W-velocity v19-05
Variable values at the 3d vertical (w) component velocity grid points averaged over 1 hour intervals from Salish Sea NEMO model runs with physics, biology and chemistry. The... -
PRIMED wave buoy data
Wave, wind, current and sea surface temperature measurements collected in situ by instrumented wave buoys located off the west coast of Vancouver Island. This dataset includes... -
Moored Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) data archived in the Institut...
This dataset contains measurements collected by Fisheries and Oceans Canada's (DFO) Institute of Ocean Sciences (IOS) using moored Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCPs).... -
Salish Sea NEMO Model (Green) Hourly Surface Tracer Fields, v19-05
Sea surface height values averaged over 1 hour intervals from Salish Sea NEMO model runs with physics, biology and chemistry. The values are calculated for the surface of the... -
Salish Sea NEMO Model Grid, 2D Mesh Mask, v17-02
NEMO grid variable value for the u-v plane of the Salish Sea NEMO model Arakawa-C grid. The values are those calculated by NEMO from the input coordinates and bathymetry files.... -
Salish Sea NEMO Model (Green) Hourly 3D U-velocity v19-05
Variable values at the 3d zonal (u) component velocity grid points averaged over 1 hour intervals from Salish Sea NEMO model runs with physics, biology and chemistry. The values... -
Realtime data from Environment and Climate Change Canada buoys (OPP Meteorolo...
Surface weather and marine observations from the Meteorological Service of Canada's open data system. -
Salish Sea NEMO Model Grid, Geo-location and Bathymetry, v17-02
Salish Sea NEMO Model Grid, Geo-location and Bathymetry, v17-02 Longitude, latitude, and bathymetry of the Salish Sea NEMO model grid. The bathymetry values are those calculated... -
Salish Sea NEMO Model (Green) Hourly Biology Fields v19-05
Three-dimensional SMELT biological model field values averaged over 1 hour intervals from Salish Sea NEMO model runs with physics, biology and chemistry. The values are... -
Salish Sea NEMO Model (Green) Hourly 3D Tracer Fields, v19-05
Three-dimensional salinity and water temperature field values averaged over 1 hour intervals from Salish Sea NEMO model runs with physics, biology and chemistry. The values are... -
The University of Victoria, Institute for Integrated Energy Systems (PRIMED) ...
Wave, wind, current and sea surface temperature measurements collected in situ by instrumented wave buoys located off the west coast of Vancouver Island. This dataset includes... -
Seawater properties measured from Niskin bottle samples collected in British ...
This dataset contains measurements collected in British Columbia, Canada using Niskin bottles. The Niskin bottles were deployed by Fisheries and Oceans Canada's (DFO) Institute... -
British Columbia lightstation monthly sea-surface temperature and salinity me...
Daily sea surface temperature and salinity observations have been carried out at several locations on the coast of British Columbia since the early part of the 20th century....