Salish Sea NEMO Model Grid, Geo-location and Bathymetry, v17-02
Longitude, latitude, and bathymetry of the Salish Sea NEMO model grid. The bathymetry values are those calculated by NEMO from the input bathymetry file. NEMO modifies the input bathymetry to remove isolated holes, and too-small partial steps; See the ubcSSn2DMeshMaskV17-02 dataset for the complete details of the calculation grid. The model grid includes the Juan de Fuca Strait, the Strait of Georgia, Puget Sound, and Johnstone Strait on the coasts of Washington State and British Columbia.
v1: longitude, latitude and bathymetry variables
v16-07: same variables, bathymetry uniformly deepened by 1 grid level, smoothed at Juan de Fuca & Johnstone Strait open boundaries, Fraser River lengthened, bathymetry deepened near mouth of Fraser River
v17-02: same variables, Bathymetry composed from 3 datasets: USGS Digital elevation model (DEM) of Cascadia, latitude 39N-53N, longitude 116W-133W, Open-File Report 99-369,; NOAA British Columbia, 3 arc-second MSL DEM,; CHS Multibeam data and all point cloud data for the Salish Sea. Smoothed at Juan de Fuca & Johnstone Strait open boundaries. Proxy channel for Fraser River upstream of confluence with the Pitt River. Adjustments by Michael Dunphy to make increase resolution of Fraser River channels downstream of confluence with the Pitt River.