Data is delivered via ERDDAP, a data server that gives a standardized way to download subsets of datasets in common file formats. This particular ERDDAP installation has oceanographic...
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Informations additionnelles
Champ | Valeur |
Format | ERDDAP |
Licence | None |
Created source | il y a 2 mois |
Description translated | {'en': "Data is delivered via ERDDAP, a data server that gives a standardized way to download subsets of datasets in common file formats. This particular ERDDAP installation has oceanographic data from Ocean Networks Canada's instruments"} |
Id | d623b81e-8d39-4be0-877f-d97c3ff777af |
Metadata modified source | il y a 2 mois |
Name translated | {'en': 'ERDDAP'} |
Package id | 65e9bca3-0b25-416a-aac8-40b0ce7d6793 |
Resource locator protocol | OPeNDAP |
State | active |