Rocky Subtidal Fish and Invertebrate Community Surveys from the Central Coast...
The rocky subtidal fish and invertebrate dataset is a component of Hakai Institute’s Nearshore research and monitoring program. This dataset characterizes spatial and temporal... -
Understory kelp biomass data from BC Central Coast
The understory kelp biomass dataset is a component of Hakai Institute’s Nearshore research and monitoring program. This dataset characterizes spatial and temporal trends in... -
Freshwater and marine water quality (nutrients and carbon) - Calvert Island -...
This data package contains data associated with the manuscript St. Pierre et al. (2020), to be submitted to Biogeosciences. Data in this package characterise spatial and... -
Mussel Dynamics - Point Intercepts - BC Central Coast
The mussel dynamics dataset is a component of the Hakai Institute’s Nearshore research and monitoring program, designed to capture change in rocky intertidal habitats. The... -
High performance liquid chromatography phytoplankton pigment timeseries for t...
High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) is a method that quantifies concentrations of phytoplankton pigments from bulk water samples. Phytoplankton species groupings (i.e.... -
Seastar & Macroinvertebrate Dynamics - BC Central Coast
The seastar & macroinvertebrate dynamics dataset is a component of the Hakai Institute’s Nearshore research and monitoring program, designed to capture change in rocky... -
Marine CO2 system variability along the Inside Passage of the Pacific Northwe...
Information on marine CO2 system variability has been limited along the Inside Passage of the Pacific Northwest coast of North America despite the region’s rich biodiversity,... -
Surfgrass Communities - Motile Invertebrate Surveys - BC Central Coast - 2018...
The surfgrass motile invertebrate dataset is a component of the Hakai Institute’s Nearshore research and monitoring program, designed to capture change in rocky intertidal... -
Hakai Institute Juvenile Salmon Program Time Series
The Hakai Institute Juvenile Salmon program is an ongoing initiative that was established in 2015 in partnership with the University of British Columbia, University of Toronto,... -
Mean Tidal Current - Coastal British Columbia - Canada
Tidal Currents is a raster layer where each pixel represents root mean square (RMS) average tidal speeds (m/s) over a large number of tidal cycles. Raster resolution 500 by 500... -
Biodiversity Surveys of the Gwaxdlala/Nalaxdlala Indigenous Protected and Con...
This data package contains the datasets and reports pertaining to biodiversity surveys in Knight Inlet, British Columbia, Canada. This work is an on-going, collaborative project... -
Mapping Canopy-Forming Kelps in the Northeast Pacific: A Guidebook for Decisi...
This guidebook provides an overview of optical remote sensing as it relates to mapping giant kelp and bull kelp. We describe optical remote sensing platforms and sensors... -
Spatial extent of surface canopy kelp (Nereocystis luetkeana) derived from fi...
This dataset consists of a spatial dataset of digitized surface canopy extent for bull kelp (Nereocystis luetkeana) for the North Salish Sea on the Coast of British Columbia,... -
Sea wrack wet to dry biomass calibrations for macroalgae of the Central Coast...
This dataset contains species-specific standardized correction factors for wet-dry calibrations for several macroalgae species of the Central Coast of British Columbia.... -
High-resolution record of surface seawater CO2 content from November 2017 to ...
Quadra Island, at the northern terminus of the Salish Sea, has been a site for shore-based and high-resolution measurement of surface seawater CO2 content since December 2014.... -
Seastar & Macroinvertebrate Dynamics - BC Central Coast - 2016-2017
The Seastar & Macroinvertebrate Dynamics dataset is a component of the Hakai Institute’s Nearshore research and monitoring program, designed to capture change in rocky... -
Hakai Rivers Inlet Mooring Research
This datasets present a collection of water properties measurements (Temperature, Conductivity, Dissolved Oxygen, Salinity) collected by high accuracy instruments as part of the... -
High-resolution record of surface seawater CO2 content from August 2016 to Au...
The OceansAlaska shellfish hatchery in Ketchikan, is a floating barge that has been a site for high-resolution measurement of surface seawater CO2 content since August 2016.... -
High-resolution record of sea surface nitrate at Sentry Shoal in the Northern...
The Environment Canada weather mooring at Sentry Shoal in the Northern Strait of Georgia provides a platform of opportunity for collection of high frequency biogeochemical... -
Organic Carbon at Land-Ocean Interface - Calvert Island - 2014-2016
This data package includes three datasets used to assess spatial and temporal patterns in dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and particulate organic carbon (POC) across freshwater...