The AML CTD Metrec X 50233 was deployed on 2019-08-19 at Gascoyne Inlet. Gascoyne Inlet is an inlet within Nunavut, on the southwestern tip of Devon Island, and is nearby to Cape Ricketts, Caswall Tower and Cape Liddon. This device is a Conductivity Temperature Depth. Conductivity Temperature Depth (CTD) is an instrument package that contains sensors for measuring the conductivity, temperature, and pressure of seawater. Salinity, sound velocity, depth and density are variables that can be derived from sensor measurements. CTDs can carry additional instruments and sensors such as oxygen sensors, turbidity sensors and fluorometers. It was deployed on a fixed platform. Data from this deployment were archived and made available through Ocean Networks Canada's Oceans 3.0 digital infrastructure, with quality assurance and derived data products following established practices.